About last night

Last night over 100 audience members came out to enjoy a special election night performance of our current prime time production: 44 Plays for 44 Presidents. (The show closes on November 17th, so if you haven’t seen it yet, better come soon.)
After the show we invited the audience to stick around and join us in watching the election returns roll in – waiting to find out how many plays for how many presidents would be produced next election season (oh, and uh, also to see who would win the elections. That too.)
And with or without Florida at the end of the night it was clear: we’ll be having four more years of President Barak Obama. In the interest of staying fair and balanced, we’ll refrain from mentioning how we feel about that. Though you might be able to guess.

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Interested in taking a class? Our ensemble members teach Neo-Futurism throughout the year at our home space in Chicago. We can also come to you. Find out more about enrollment, hiring teachers, and scholarships.