Anablog: Jessica Anne

Analog’s 2nd weekend begins tonight at 7:30pm. There will be winding corridors and blood oranges, linen and flowers, pickles and milk.  I hope you’ll come. Until then why don’t you introduce yourself to one of the writer/performers of Analog: Jessica Anne.

Jessica Anne is an active Neo–Futurist ensemble member of the 2006–2012 variety. Now she is a Neo–Futurist alum. So, that’s that. She is currently in the Roosevelt University MFA Creative Writing Program. You may have seen her in Our Town, or at The Paper Machete. She has a BA in English, creative writing emphasis from North Park University.


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Quick! First five words that come to mind when you think of Analog

Hepburn. Water. Cancer. Fate. Tim.

What people / experiences / artists inspired you the most in writing for the show?

Kurt. The summer of 99. My un-opened mail. And the little I know of Merce Cunningham.

 What has been the most exciting or stimulating part of the Analog creative process?

Hank. This will be Hank’s first time on stage. He’s a fascinating man from Hyde Park,originally California. He’s doing a ritual in the show, a real ritual, inspired from the rivers of Bulgaria or something. It’s pretty cool. I hope we can find a way to let the audience know that it’s a real thing, serious.

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What has been the most challenging part of the Analog creative process?

Figuring out why the hell we’re all doing this, and for what reason. I think that’s the most challenging part of any creative process. But, this time felt particularly challenging because the guts of the show are so deeply personal to Kurt. It was like dude, none of us have ever had cancer, this is your bag. In the beginning anyway. Now we have a show, so it’s all good.

Do you believe in fate?

I believe in just about everything there is to believe. So, yes. But, the kind of fate that Kurt is talking about is like this, “I had cancer, that was my fate.” He’s not talking about two temporal points in time connected by Jesus, that would be my prime time show.

What kinds of artistic experiences do you tend to enjoy the most?

Dance. Installations. And non-fiction essays.

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What turns you off big time?

Projections. And crying.

 What are you listening to right now? Reading? Watching? Eating? Drinking?

Girl Talk. Flannery O’Connor. Downton Abby. Lots of late night Konak pizza. Almond soy lattes.


Are you a righty or a lefty?


 Tell me something about yourself that would surprise me:

I’m married to this world renowned Kurt Chiang we speak of. I’m 31 years old. This is my real voice. I suffer from mild to severe processing disorders. I failed the written portion of the driver’s test three times. I once tripped over a shopping cart and had to get eleven stitches. In my face.

You can do this, too.

Interested in taking a class? Our ensemble members teach Neo-Futurism throughout the year at our home space in Chicago. We can also come to you. Find out more about enrollment, hiring teachers, and scholarships.