Fee Fie Fo Futurists.

The ensemble just added seven new plays to this week’s TML and as proud of these plays as we are they’re not anywhere near as exciting as what’s going on in our State Park.

You remember our State Park, right? The one that last year was transformed into a brand-new room, capable of not only holding our audiences but also of providing them heat and air conditioning? That now had the technical flexibility to handle wall projections and stage lighting, making it a second space usable either separately or simultaneously with shows happening in our theater?

The blank white walls, like a canvas calling out for new art?

Our own Kirsten Riiber decided to answer that call with a project she’s titled “You Were A Giant And You Wanted To Show Me Something.” (You can see a cryptic preview of the project attached to this post.) And here’s the deal: Just like TML and much of our other work, this project doesn’t happen without audience participation.

But we’re not going to tell you how in this blog post. No, you’re only going to know if you come and see the show.

Yes, it’s cruel to tantalize you like this and leave you so unsatisfied.

Life is cruel. Art is crueler.

Seven new plays and a giant. We want to show you something.


You can do this, too.

Interested in taking a class? Our ensemble members teach Neo-Futurism throughout the year at our home space in Chicago. We can also come to you. Find out more about enrollment, hiring teachers, and scholarships.