trifecta (trīˈfektə/), noun: a run of three wins or grand events.

This month marks a birthday trifecta for the current Neo-Futurist performing ensemble: Dan Kerr-Hobert and Malic White share April 14th, and April 23rd brought us Kirsten Riiber, the Neos’ neweset gem and creator of the giant living in the State Park.


Turns out those days in history are chock-full of synchronicity. I LOVE SYNCHRONICITY. HERE ARE SOME FACTS:


April 14, 1865: President Abraham Lincoln is shot* at Ford’s Theater while attending a play about “a disastrous relationship between a boorish American and his aristocratic English relatives.”
April 14, 1912: The Titanic collides with an iceberg during her maiden journey from Southampton, UK to New York City, US.
April 14, 1981: Dan Kerr-Hobert is born.
April 14, 1990:Malic White is born, shamefully missing the 80s by a heartbeat.
(*to our knowledge, neither Dan Kerr-Hobert nor Malic White have been shot while attending or performing in a play, but as Live Theater Performers, they are brutally aware that There Is A First Time for Everything).


April 23, 1987: Kirsten Riiber is born.
April 23, 1997:The “epic romantic disaster” film Titanic hits theaters, becoming the highest-grossing movie of its time.
April 23, 2005: The first video is uploaded to, finally providing a space for us to watch and rewatch Titanic‘s lascivious and completely unnecessary drawing scene, in which a young Leonardo DiCaprio pens a nude Kate Winslet “like one of his French girls”, without having to rewind our 1997 VHS tape.


THIS WEEKEND marks the mid-point of the Neo-Futurist Birthday Trifecta, and what better way to celebrate than attending Too Much Light, where we will entertain you break-ups, bicycles and inverted push-ups! What is an inverted push-up, you ask? COME FIND OUT. WE PROMISE YOU MOST EXCELLENT PECTORALS.


Of course there will be a show, you selfish, bonnet-headed fools! And as long as you’re wearing your church clothes, bring some fierce Easter hat looks to TML and we will shower you with praise.


Plus, if Jesus rose from the dead this Sunday, he would be here at the Neo-Futurarium, spreading the word and decapitating a chocolate bunny, because Modern Times.

You can do this, too.

Interested in taking a class? Our ensemble members teach Neo-Futurism throughout the year at our home space in Chicago. We can also come to you. Find out more about enrollment, hiring teachers, and scholarships.