By Pops Demand

Did you hear? Your father is angry at you. And he has demands.


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As you watch one play (extended until Seven-Eleven) consider 8 MORE, put within 30 (previously established, having replaced others):

I went to the center of the earth. – Malic White – words that rhyme with TRUMP – Lily Mooney – power & positive thinking – Lily Mooney – Staged Adaptation of Midnight Dialogue With Spider – Lily Mooney – A Five-Step Guide to Surviving The Reality of Detroit – Tif Harrison – low budget version of a big picture scene – Tif Harrison – [Facing, or To] the Audience – Kurt Chiang – Practice in Theory That is Better Than – Bilal Dardai

A List of Wonders and Killers: Malic, Bilal, Tif, Lily, Kirsten, Kurt, and Taylor in the booth.

A List of By Pops Demand: Trevor, Andrew, Indra, Brenda, Dallas, Sarah, Kevin, Mike, Daiva, and Kate in the booth.

Demands. Cooking. Leg of lamb.

You can do this, too.

Interested in taking a class? Our ensemble members teach Neo-Futurism throughout the year at our home space in Chicago. We can also come to you. Find out more about enrollment, hiring teachers, and scholarships.