The Bump-In To; niceties, truths, & future plans told in the form of a one-way conversation.

Hello! How are you?! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.

Yes, yes. I’m back.


About ten days. Feels like a lot longer, though.

I got to Raleigh last Saturday.

Mostly, the weather was beautiful. There were a couple rainy days, but mostly it was warm.

Yeah, it’s just good to be home. Like, the Chicago home.

I think that’s been the hardest part, getting back to the speed of the city and my life. 

It was a lot of just sitting and waiting. It’s surprising how exhausting that can be.

The facility he was in was nice. Behind it was a small farm. I think it’s run by NC State’s agriculture program or something. A day or so after he was admitted, the goats and sheep had a bunch of babies. They were pretty amazing. It was a field full of jumping baby goats and sheep. My little sister and I would go and watch them together. 

My step-mom and her mom took shifts but she was there every night.

No, she was the only one with him. 

Saturday night.

We went to my step-mom’s parent’s house Sunday morning and stayed until after the service.


It was just at the funeral home but after the grave site service, we went back to her parent’s church’s community center for this thing called the “feed”. The women get together and cook up a bunch of food for the family. You go and eat with whoever wants to come. 

Oh my god, the food was so good. Fried chicken, stew, hush puppies, ham, creamed corn, butter beans (which are my favorite), biscuits, sweet tea and two kinds of cake. They even had to-go containers ready so everyone could make themselves a plate for dinner.

Spice and apple.


Yeah. I really missed everyone. It would have been nice to have friends there but I was well taken care of.

I don’t know, I don’t have any real plans this weekend. I’m probably going to go see Too Much Light on Saturday or Sunday.

Kurt, Trevor, Nick, Malic and Ida. 

Yeah, Nick and Ida are the new ensemble members.

Oh yeah, they’re awesome!

I think they rolled a 5. 

It’s weird not being in the show for this long but it’s good for me. I need to focus on other stuff. Maybe sleep a little bit.

Yeah, I gotta run too.

Oh my god, it was awesome seeing you! 

Yeah, give me a call. I have my weekends now so, I’m free.

Yup. Bye!


You can do this, too.

Interested in taking a class? Our ensemble members teach Neo-Futurism throughout the year at our home space in Chicago. We can also come to you. Find out more about enrollment, hiring teachers, and scholarships.