“30 days has September, April, June and November, all the rest have 31, except for quite contrary, February which has twenty-eight most of the tiiiiiimeee, except on leap year twenty-niiiine.”
I love this song/mnemonic device. I love that there is a wonderful built-in key change that seems to exist just to celebrate the fuck out of unusual February. It’s not my favorite device, but it’s up there. Way better than the dumb: “I before E except after C.” (That shit doesn’t even have a tune.) I have always loved the pure, condensed and concentrated joy I feel when I get to the high-pitched yell-singing of the word “twenty-nine.” It’s the same feeling I get when I reach the five golden rings part of the twelve days of Christmas song:
Why is it so fun to belt out numbers? I don’t know.
Let’s take a moment to figure it out together.
Go ahead and pick a number. Let’s say a number between one and thirty. Ready?
Feel the feelings that result. Breathe. Reflect.
Did you do it? Maybe not. You might be at work, or in a restaurant, or reading this on your phone in church. If you had to stifle it, I want to remind you that there is a place where you can belt out numbers and feel feelings all you want. That place is called TOO MUCH LIGHT MAKES THE BABY GO BLIND THIS WEEKEND at THE NEO-FUTURARIUM. Join us as we mark the start of boring-old-thirty-day March, and bid fair adieu to contrary February.
Contrary. It’s a great word. It has great sounds in it. Say it. (If you’re in church, just whisper it to yourself.)
See? Use it in a sentence. Here’s one:
Contrary to popular expectation, Rahm Emanuel did not win the election Tuesday night.
There hasn’t been a mayoral runoff election in Chicago’s history, and while some of us may think we know what the results will be after the runoff in boring-old-thirty-day April, for now it behooves all of us to celebrate these unusual results the best way we know how: with song, dance, experimental theater, and a big dose of full-throated number-yelling.
Being a contrarian is a great thing. I strongly identify with it. In my family we call it barrel shmarrel, as in: someone says barrel you say shmarrel. And vice versa. Some families refer to this as being a smart ass. I’m proud to be a smart ass. Maybe one day someone will write a song with a built in key change about me!
Plays about the election, and the surprise of the election results. Plays that feature many flavors of rebelliousness: political, comedic, visual, musical. Plays that feature the unusually brilliant Bilal Dardai, who returns to the show this weekend.
If you identify yourself as a contrarian, like Miss February, DON’T come see TML this weekend. (See what I did there?)