Neo-Futurist Donors

The Neo-Futurists would like to recognize the generous donors who have made financial contributions in support of our Ensemble’s prolifically accessible programming. It is because of these individuals and organizations that we are able to produce 250 annual events at headslappingly affordable prices. We salute them with a hearty THANK YOU and a warm hug!

Foundation and Community Partners


Donnelley logo



Neo-Futurist Legends (individual & matching gifts over $100)

Jonathan Adler and Jonathan Lewis

American Express

Ross Berger

Timothy Buckley

Amy Carlton and Jim Allenspach

Jack and Susan Chiang

Joe and Paula Dempsey

Lisa Disch

Jim and Joan Ducayet

Stephen Eastwood

Meredith George

William Haddad

Jeffrey J. Halerz

Michael Hans and Ellen Damlich

Stephen Hendrickson

C. Matthew Hope

Bonnie Kays

Clair Keene

Hal Kugeler and Edward Flood

Jocelyn Lally and Tim Sarrantonio

David Martin

Dan McArdle

Dale McClelland

Wanda and Kevin McDonald

Lindsay Muscato

Sheldon Patinkin

Bonnie Payne and Roger Tobin

Jack Rubin and Pat Yuzawa-Rubin

Margaret Shaklee

Dan Schiff

Norm Sloan

Victoria and Sean Wiedel

 Listings above recognize gifts made to The Neo-Futurists between December 1, 2011 and February 15, 2013.

If you notice an incorrect listing or an inadvertent omission – please contact our administrative team at 773-878-4557 or