Abby Paj Tries to Stay Alive

A work-in-progress lab for the upcoming solo show Abby Paj Tries to Stay Alive
The doomsday clock ticks 89 seconds to midnight and the world seems to already be ending each day. Some stockpile beans, some stockpile guns, and some bury themselves underground to wait for it to all blow over. Meanwhile, Abby Paj avoids the doctor, stays in bed, and writes “make a go-bag” on every to-do list for a year and a half. Join Abby as they dive into apocalypses, preparation, depression, and maybe doing a bunch of push-ups with a backpack on. Watch as they try to stay alive in any – no, every way possible.
Written & Performed by Abby Pajakowski
Directed by Sammy Zeisel
Tech designed by Spencer Meeks