It Came from the Neo-Futurarium presents: Con Air

August 17 – 18, 2018
This August, buckle your seatbelts … turn off your handheld devices … and locate your nearest exit before you settle in for CON AIR (1997)! We’re doubling down after last summer’s gender-bending FACE/OFF and bringing back Dina Marie Walters (as Nic Cage) and Kristie Koehler Vuocolo (John Cusack), who’ll go head-to-head in this action tour-de-force set in the (un)friendly skies! Also starring Jen Ellison, Rachel Claff, Jasmine Henri Jordan, Joanna Jamerson, and Michael Kingston.
Two shows only – Join us 8/17-8/18 at 7:30PM at the Neo-Futurists for the latest in this series of staged readings of the best worst movies ever made.