Unlimited access to The Infinite Wrench FOR $15 a MONTH plus monthly installments of all-new digital Neo-Futurism.

welcome to the inner circle…

2020 launched our on-going, ever-changing show from the stage to to the mega-pixels of the internet. In that time we made over 900 digital two-minute plays, and we ain’t done yet. As of September 2021, the Neo-Futurist Ensemble are creating a monthly digital show via Patreon + we’ve added some delicious new perks. 

Join the Patreon!

What do I get if I join the Patreon?

We’ve got tiers that range from $3 per month to $100 per month. Here are the perks, named after select terms in the Neo-Futurist handbook:


$3 per month – Shortie

shortie /ˈSHôrdē/ noun: A play that is very quick, like 30 seconds or less. Usually, in a shortie the title is a set up and then after the go there is a quick action or a single line that is the punch line.
At the Shortie Tier you’ll receive:
+ a monthly batch of 10 world-premiere digital plays on the last Sunday of every month


$5 per month – Flashlight Play

flashlight play /ˈflaSHˌlīt/ /plā/ noun : A play performed in the dark where Neo-Futurists speak and shine flashlights on their faces, often at a specified pace or tempo.
At the Flashlight Play Tier you’ll receive:
+ a monthly batch of 10 world-premiere digital plays on the last Sunday of every month



$9 per month – “One New Thing”

“One New Thing” is the Neo-Futurist mantra of writing new on a weekly basis. Coined by Neo-Futurist Alum Jessica Anne on September 16th, 2007.
At the “One New Thing” Tier you’ll receive:
+ a monthly batch of 10 world-premiere digital plays on the last Sunday of every month
+ discounts on classes and special events


$15 per month – Friendlies 

friendlies /ˈfren(d)lēz/ plural noun: an audience full of folks that we know, are affiliated with us or see at the show frequently. An opening night Prime Time show will be stacked with “friendlies.”
At the “Friendlies” Tier you’ll receive:
+ a monthly batch of 10 world-premiere digital plays on the last Sunday of every month
+ discounts on classes and special events
+ unlimited access to The Infinite Wrench at the Neo-Futurist Theater, anytime.
(The Infinite Wrench is performed 50 weeks per year, every Saturday at 10:30PM and Sunday at 7:00PM)


$100 per month – Love 

love /ləv/ noun: a few minutes before opening the doors for the audience, the cast gathers in a circle, takes a deep breath, and decides who they’re doing the show for. To make this happen, simply call out loud “LOVE!” in the theater and we’ll circle up.
At the Love Tier you’ll receive:
+ a monthly batch of 10 world-premiere digital plays on the last Sunday of every month
+ discounts on classes and special events
+ unlimited access to The Infinite Wrench at the Neo-Futurist Theater, anytime
+ an Ensemble member will make a custom portrait of you which will be on permanent display in the Neo-Futurarium