Chicago Cultural Treasures | Work Samples 3.3.21
‘What ARE the boundaries of black joy?’ by Joanna Jamerson Description: Premiering in the current incarnation of our ongoing show, The Infinite Wrench Goes Viral, Joanna Jamerson’s ‘What ARE the boundaries of black joy?’ is a contemplation of popular terminology and its personal relevance.
‘The Boundary of Black Joy’ by Jasmine Henri Jordan Description: A response to ‘What ARE the boundaries of black joy?’, Jasmine Henri Jordan responds with an answer to Jamerson’s question that expands on the term’s possibilities and impossibilities.
‘A Brief Conversation with my Parents about love, life and the new Netflix show Indian Matchmaking’ by Neil Bhandari Description: A Neo-Futurist-style, mini-documentary examining a piece of pop-culture media’s cultural representation through the lens of Neil Bhandari and his family. Featured: Hermant and Indra Bhandari.
Neil Bhandari, Joanna Jamerson, and Jasmine Henri Jordan are Neo-Futurist Ensemble Members. THE INFINITE WRENCH [GOES VIRAL] is an ongoing, ever-changing show that performs in the Neo-Futurist aesthetic 50 weeks a year (even during the pandemic).
From WCIU THE U, The Jam TV Show
“A Unique Twist on the Battle of the Alamo” | The Battle of the Alamo happened in 1836, but some actors at a theater in Chicago haven’t forgotten. Diana visited The Neo-Futurists to check out that play that emphasizes the importance of Latinx perspectives.
REMEMBER THE ALAMO, Presented by The Neo-Futurists