Want to bring this work into your classroom, workplace or organization?
Fill out the form on this page to get started. More information on our programming is listed below and our programs are customizable to match your needs.


Bring Us To You

Learn the different ways to bring Neo-Futurism to you.


The Infinite Wrench 

Experience our ongoing and ever-changing attempt to perform 30 original plays in 60 minutes in your classroom or performance space. Each play offers something different – be it funny, profound, elegant, strange, topical, athletic, irreverent, or a song – all are truthful and tackle the here-and-now, inspired by the lived experiences of the performers. The Infinite Wrench aims to shift the conventions of live performance, engaging with both students who already love live theater and those who are typically unreached or unmoved by traditional performance. 




Learn more about our work with a 15-30 minute talk-back following the performance. These sessions offer more insight into the creative process of both the theater and its artists. Our process, organizational structure, and artistic tenets are unique; the talk-back offers a way to dive into the less conventional practices behind the work. 





We offer a variety of workshops that can be tailored to your specific group’s experiences and interests. Workshops are a great educational complement to the show itself. We often use elements of the show as jumping-off points to the workshop material. Depending on number of participants, length of session, and any educational goals, we can craft what works best for you. In a typical workshop, we introduce the tenets of our work (honesty, truth on stage, brevity, liveness, transformation, risk, and chance) and explore these through writing exercises, ensemble-building exercises, and performance. Students often leave workshops with a new piece of writing under their belt.


Guest Lecture

We offer ensemble member-led lectures that can fit into your class session schedule if a longer workshop is not a possibility. The guest lecture offers an opportunity for students to learn about the 30+ year history of The Neo-Futurists, our consensus-driven organizational structure, and our unique creative process. 




Group Sale + Talk-Back

If you are interested in bringing your student group to the theater for the show, reach out to admin@neofuturists.org for group sale information. If you see the show in our theater space, we offer a complimentary post-show talk-back.